Sunday, August 09, 2015

Jews Who Boycott Israel? The Definition of Peace?

כ"ד לחודש החמישי תשע"ה

I have yet to see any satisfactory comments on this topic. So, I will chime in as well. This report is from a few weeks ago, but I believe still relevant, very much so, in fact.
Arutz 7: Jews Lead Israel Boycott on US Campuses
Shocked anchorman for Channel 2 TV interviews 'Jewish Voice for Peace' activists who favor boycott on all Israeli products. 
Gil Ronen, 7/19/2015 
(English w/Hebrew subtitles/באנגלית עם כתוביות בעברית)

Channel 2, Israel's most widely viewed television channel, devoted an in-depth report on its main weekend newscast to the American Jews who play a prominent role in the movement that calls to boycott Israel and end security assistance to it. 
Anchorman and reporter Danny Kushmaro interviewed Candace Graff, a Harvard graduate and activist in Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), who told him: "After spending a year in Israel before I started college, I've never felt less Jewish. I've never felt less connected to my religion than when I was in Israel. Because my Jewish identity is about justice, freedom and equality.” 
A shaky video showed mostly female members of JVP entering the offices of Friends of the IDF and reading out names of Palestinians killed in Gaza, reportedly in a protest against US assistance to Israel.

Graff said that she boycotts all Israeli products, including those made in Tel Aviv. “There is no separation between the Occupation and the economy of Israel,” she explained. A second activist, Brandon Davis, confirmed to a shocked Kushmaro that he has no problem with several million Palestinians entering Israel as part of the “Right of Return.”.

“You want me to gamble on my life,” Kushmaro said to Davis, and explained that the scenario he is supporting would spell the end of a Jewish Israel.

Davis was emphatic, however, and decreed: “We're talking about the end of a Jewish supremacist Israel.”

“I don't have anything against you,” Alice Rothschild told Kushmaro. “I feel that Israel has lost its way.” When asked why this is her business, she refers to US military aid to Israel: “I am responsible because I am funding the occupation.”

A young woman called Tali Reskin (or Roskin) spoke to Kushmaro in Boston an hour after the United Church of Christ voted to boycott products made in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, and expressed her excitement over the development. She claimed that JVP is growing fast, and that more and more Jews are supporting BDS.

The [video] report, which is mostly in English, is embedded above.
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
I would like to go over some of the statements made in the above report, one at a time.
1. "After spending a year in Israel before I started college, I've never felt less Jewish. I've never felt less connected to my religion than when I was in Israel. Because my Jewish identity is about justice, freedom and equality.” 
“There is no separation between the Occupation and the economy of Israel,”
Her Jewish identity may be about justice, freedom, and equality. However, these are patterned off of the Western galuth (exile), and assimilationist, "movements of Judaism's" distortion of these Torah (ie) concepts.
2. He has no problem with several million Palestinians entering Israel as part of the “Right of Return.”. 
The Israeli journalist replies, “You want me to gamble on my life,” then rightly concludes that the scenario he is supporting would spell the end of a Jewish Israel.
“We're talking about the end of a Jewish supremacist Israel.”
Supremacist Israel? What is Israel supreme over?

Certainly not the Arabs, who murder, steal, rape, and maim at will, yet either get light sentences, or get release under a prison release program, 1,000 Arab prisoners for one Jew.

Certainly not over the U. S., which yells jump, and for the most part, the Israeli government asks, "How high?" Once in a while an Israeli prime minister will throw up an objection over a plan (Iran Deal/Kerry link), which quite possibly lead to the annihilation to the Jewish People. Then he will gradually cave into U. S. demands, in one way or another, disguising it as an Israeli political victory.

These Jews, those of them who really are Jews, have been trained, or rather indoctrinated into the assimilationist idea, that Jews are just like everyone else in the world, intermarriage is perfectly acceptable, and that Western progressive culture reigns supreme.

They have been trained to believe in the complete and utter fallacy that Arabs want peace, a peace which does not entail the annihilation of the Jewish People.
3. “I don't have anything against you,”
“I feel that Israel has lost its way.”
“I am responsible because I am funding the occupation.”
What occupation? Arabs attacked us, and wanted to annihilate us in תש"ח/1948, and spitting in the face of the decision of the same United Nations, which they currently exploit for power. Israel defended itself, and in the process gained more land.

The same thing happened in  תשכ"ז/1967 (Six Day War) and in  תשל"ד/1973 (Yom Kippur War). Land was won from Jordan, and then from Egyptian, NOT Palestine, because there was never a Palestine!

What are we supposed to do? Roll over and die, after we watch our own JEWISH children die, so that Hamas, human shield children may live,...until they grow up and go blow themselves up, killing even more JEWISH children??!!

I suppose that you truly believe that if Israel would withdraw from Yehudah and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) that everything will be alright.

The "progressive" West demands that we "accept and understand" cultures different from theirs. Yet, I understand Arab culture better that they do! I accept and understand that Arabs want to annihilate us, with the sword, or by making us dhimmis, or by taking our sisters as wives to beat up, and to teach their Jewish children to hate themselves, or by seducing our brothers into taking their women as wives, thus eliminating them from producing Jewish children.

Just read the Tana"kh (Bible). It's all there.

But, why am I wasting my breath? Historical facts have never worked with these people. They believe what they want to believe, what they have been brainwashed to believe by and motivated by low-esteem, and a desire to fit in with the goyim (non-Jews) around them.

Many have suggested that I leave out Torah from my arguments. These Jews are so far away from connecting to it, that I would only push them farther away. However, since the only justification for Jews' claim to Eretz Yisra'el (Land of Israel) IS the Torah, and cannot help but publicize the truth.

What these Jews were taught was Torah, in your "Reform" (link) Hebrew schools, or in those of the other so-called "Jewish denominations," were actually lies and distortions.

In the same light, many of them have been told that they are Jews, when in fact, they are not, due to pseudo-conversions, and the ridiculous idea of "patrilineal descent" having been ingrained in their programming.

The Torah is not "conserved," by searching for sources to justify what we want to do, instead of searching for the truth about what The Almighty wants us to do.

The Torah does not need any "reconstruction" or "renewal" or "humanism." It is fine just the way it is.

And I am the one who has supposedly been brainwashed, because I keep Torah and mitzvoth, and believe that HaZa"L (Our Sages) knew better than I do.
4. expressed her excitement over the development [a liberal Christian organization voted to boycott products made in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem]. She claimed that JVP is growing fast, and that more and more Jews are supporting BDS.
I, too, believe in peace, true peace, and this true peace includes:
Jews who are no longer self-hating, suicidal, and hellbent on being the best members of Western civilization they possibly can. 
Jews who know the difference between true, Jewish values and sensibilities and non-Jewish ones. 
Jews who follow their heritage, which is the Torah, and not the heritage of others. 
Jews who see that the Torah covers every aspect of a Jew's life, not just what we put into our mouths or which tasks we refrain from doing on Shabbath. 
Jews who love and fear The Almighty, more than they love and fear the goyim.
You want to call be a religious fanatic? Go right ahead.

I am sure that is the way it looks like to you, because you are completely cut off from your heritage, which is Torah and Eretz Yisra'el.

There has been no greater, spiritual war of the Jewish People than the latest, and longest exile. It has been so devastating to us, that many, if not most of us, do not even realize that we are in the midst of it. Or if they do, they do not realize that they are on the losing side, the side falling farther and farther away from Torah, and a connection to The Almighty.

Your vision of peace is just an illusion, one produced by the West, as a way to destroy us from within.

I have no doubt that they will find this to be condescending to them, and arrogant on my part. Nevertheless, I cannot remain silent, and pray that these Jews (those of them who really are Jews) wake up before it is too late.

May The Almighty help and guide you.


Yakov Butterfield said...

Jews are given a choice; either become Torah Jews living in Eretz Israel or die out as a individual and a community. According to the Pew Research Institute there is a 79% intermarriage rate. 67% of Secular Jews are not raising their children Jewish, Jews are not having children. a Fertility Rate of 1.4 (Replacement is 2) and Jews are now older; the majority of Jew in the US are over 55. The Jewish population in the Diaspora is either making Aliyah or dying out. Those Jews that still live in the Diaspora will convert to anything else to hide their Jewishness;

Esser Agaroth said...

Good points.

I wish I could be more optimistic, but I'm a realist like you.